There are numerous templates available on the world wide web whether they are designed for wordpress or joomla, while searching on the web i have found some best looking and features rich templates for wordpress powered blogs that i would like to share:
1.Daily – Best template for photo gallery
A very good looking attractive template for wordpress photo blog contains three types of view, it provides the full customization of whole blog whether it is for photo gallery or for classic word press blog.
2.PokeRoost – Simple but stylish wordpress template
Another very simple but stylish template for wordpress blog released under themeforest online store enabling you to choose from different colors, menus and sidebars that suites your blog best.
3. Carbon – Sharp features responsive template
An attractive wordpress blog template especially if you like dark colors with round corners, it is very flexible and can be customized according to any blog type such as video gallery or photo gallery.
That is the list for today, which template do you like to have ?