Recently i had the issue with one of my VPS, when i have been trying to login into my kloxo panel installed on VPS suddenly a problem arises saying “admin login disabled, please contact administrator”. I tried many tricks searched on google also tried to find the solution on kloxo official forum, but i was not able to solve the issue. Then an idea arrived in my mind and i logged into phpmyadmin edited the database records for admin user, the following changes i have made to the admin user record and that certainly fixed the login issue.
If you are having the same issue, follow the below steps:
- Login to PhpMyadmin from following address:
- Login with root username and root password.
- Now go to databased named “kloxo”
- Find the table named “client“
- Now a table client will be opened containing all the clients details.
- Find the record with username or nname “admin“
- Now click on edit to edit the row
- Find the following column “cpstatus” and change the value to “on“
- Save the changes and you are done.
Try login now it will work out of the box : )
Give your feedback if it works for you.