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Many VPS hosting providers have quota issue with their VPS provided to customers, they always get complaints regarding the quotas especially on cPanel/WHM based servers. As cPanel/WHM based servers require File system quotas must be enabled to calculate Disk space usage for the hosted accounts and this very important to get this issue fixed in order to limit the disk space usage for any hosted account.installing cpanel/WHM

Following below instructions enables you to get this issue sorted if you have OpenVZ/Virtuozzo VPS you should follow these instructions to enable 2nd level-quotas support to get disk space usage issue sorted.

Lets start fixing this:

Login to your main node’s SSH with root access where you have hosted VPS’.

Just find out the exact ID of your VPS for which you want to enable the second level-quotas by executing below stated command:

# vzlist

It will list all the online Virtual Private Servers, remember the one you want to enable second level quotas for.

Now execute following below command on the required VPS ID.

# vzctl set VPS_ID --quotaugidlimit NUMBER --save

In my case:

#vzctl set 144 --quotaugidlimit 300 --save

2nd level quotas have been enabled now, you should restart the VPS by executing following below command:

# vzctl stop 144; vzctl start 144;

Wait for the reboot of VPS and then check if it really applies, you can verify it from cPanel/WHM > Initial Quota Setup or by executing following below command :

# /scripts/fixquotas --force

You can also perform above steps by stopping the VPS/container.
I hope this will solve the quota issues for your VPS/Container 🙂

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