In this post i will discuss how to install WHM/cPanel trial version on dedicated server or onVPS, if your IP has not used cPanel/WHM before you will be eligible to use trial version of WHM/cPanel (30 days for dedicated server and 15 days for VPS) once your trial is over you need to license for it.
Minimum Requirements:
- 512 MB minimum RAM
- 10GB minimum Hard Disk
- 2 GHZ minimum processor
- 1 Public IP
- Linux CentOS 5+/CentOS 6
Follow the following below steps:
- Login to your dedicated server or VPS via shell terminal (SSH), you can use putty to do so.
- Execute following commands in terminal:
# cd /home# wget -N sh latest
- If you want to run WHM/cPanel installation in background, you can also do this via Screen software, follow below instructions to run the installation in background:
# yum -y upgrade && yum -y install screen
- Above command will update your YUM repositories and then install Screen software on the dedicated server/VPS.
- Now run below command in /home directory:
# screen -dmS cpanel-installation /bin/bash -c “sh latest”
- This will start installation of cPanel/WHM in background, now you can also see the progress by executing following below command:
# screen -x
The installation may take upto an hour to be completed, after completion you will be able to access WHM panel from http://your-ip-address:2086
Now you can configure your WHM/cPanel for the first time.
We will describe setting up your dedicated server or VPS for the first time in our next post.
Chill 🙂