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Three days ago one of my client’s server ran into an issue, the server has opensuse operating system with Yast installed and webmin as hosting control panel.

The issue was, it could not able to connect to any repositories for update or to install any package either from the yast panel. I have searched alot on google and on opensuse forum but was not able to find any proper solution.

I got it solved by doing following on the server:

I came to know that the server’s reverse DNS entries are wrong and do not point to any physical server. So i changed them to openDNS resolver by following method:

Login to SSH with root details.

Open resolver file by:

nano /etc/resolv.conf

and insert the following IPs for nameservers:


Save the file by pressing CTRL + O and exit to the nano editor by CTRL + X


And you’re done, now your server can update their repositories.

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See also  Change Host Name of Linux Red Hat or CentOS Permanently

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